Possums and Developing “TPACK”

As I read through the notes and listened to the lecture whilst looking at the Venn diagram I began to realise that all this model is about it linking the three types of knowledge together and using this knowledge to teach and implement the curriculum using the right ICT technology for the task.  The content, pedagogy and technology overlap and have to link together to make the model successful.  It doesn’t have to be difficult, it just requires effective, careful planning and pedagogy and being aware of the array of ICTs which are available.


What I have learned is that to successfully utilise the TPACK model you have to integrate Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge and in doing this you will develop effective, ICT-rich learning experiences which will engage learners.  A perfect example of this was given in the video of the teacher who integrated science, maths and technology whilst students observed the habits of possums.  This was fascinating!

Whilst reading through this section on TPACK I kept the two following questions in mind:

  • What is the difference between a good mathematician and a teacher that is good at teaching mathematics?

Good mathematicians will get to the correct answer easily

Good maths teachers allow students to learn using real life situations whilst integrating the most efficient ICTs, and the curriculum to teach the maths content required.  They engaged students and encourage creative, problem solving pedagogy where learners are successful.

In this video Conrad Wolframs describes what changes he would like to see in teaching maths to 21st century learners.

TED Maths

  • What is the difference between a teacher who effectively integrates ICTs and one that doesn’t?

A teacher that effectively integrates ICT’s is teaching for the future and creating students of the future to live life in the 21st century.

The SAMR model is a particular model which is used to evaluate how successful student learning has been.  It is helpful in evaluating how the planned use of an ICT tool can determine the quality of learning and how the learning then might be improved.   It works on advancing to transforming student learning.


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1 Response to Possums and Developing “TPACK”

  1. Pingback: Loving TPACK | nikhunter75

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